Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Easy Beef & Cheese Enchiladas

Growing up it was always a treat when Dad made enchiladas. He didn't make them often, so when I got the chance to pick what we were eating for supper I'd almost always ask for his enchiladas!
I learned his recipe-which is real simple,but time consuming to make. I attempted to make them the long way by frying the tortillas and soaking them in sauce, but became lazy and learned some time saving tricks from my Uncle John.

Usually I make just plain cheese enchiladas, but tonight we added some beef at Andrew's request. Here's what I did:

Brown 1 lb ground beef with a chopped onion and use a packet of taco seasoning to flavor it.
On an oven safe plate (if you don't have one you can use the microwave with a microwave safe plate), place a corn tortilla. I use our lovely Fiesta plates we got from our wedding. 
Start layering with some cheese-enough to cover the tortilla.
A small spoonful of beef. I used less on mine and more on Andrew's.
And a couple of spoonfuls of enchilada sauce. You can use red or green they both taste good and you can choose your spiciness.
Repeat with tortilla, cheese, beef, and sauce. We make them with 4 layers, but you could certainly do more or less depending on how much you eat.
Put them in the oven at 350 for about 8 minutes or until the cheese is melted. If you use the microwave put it in for 1 minute/layer on high. (Ex: 4 layers=4 minutes)
When you serve it, the plates WILL BE HOT so use caution. Garnish with some green onions and cilantro. You can add some salsa if you'd like.

It's that easy and pretty tasty. Adding the beef was good, but personally I prefer the plain cheese enchiladas.

1 lb ground beef
1 packet taco seasoning 
~ 20 corn tortillas
~ 2 cups shredded cheese (we use Mexican Blend but use your favorite)
1 large can enchilada sauce
1 yellow onion chopped
cilantro or green onions for garnish

1. Brown ground beef in a skillet with onions. Drain and add taco seasoning following the instructions on the packet.
2. Layer tortilla, cheese, beef, and sauce-use as much or as little as you want.
3. Repeat with desired amount of layers. We usually eat 4 and when I was a kid I would only eat 2.
4. Put in oven for 8 minutes at 350 degrees. {You can also use the microwave if you don't want to use your oven or don't have one. When using the microwave heat for 1 min/layer. Ex. 3 layers=3 minutes} THE PLATES WILL BE HOT! Use oven mitts and be careful of where you set the plate down. 
5. Garnish with green onions, cilantro, or salsa and ENJOY! 

I hope you enjoy this family favorite as much as we do! 

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